
WCI PRO Services

Networking Hardware Maintenance

  • No-cost (first-step) networking assessment helps group assets by multiple categories so eligible assets can be triaged from assets that should remain under OEM support. The assessment drives and builds the logic for hybrid support so it can be easily seen and quantified by your management.
  • WhaleyComm provides 24/7/365 TAC, OEM-certified technicians, 12-minute average response time (for Priority 1), spares and logistics with 600+ forward stocking locations, CMDB for proactive asset management, ongoing and client-focused consultation.
  • Assets which must be supported by the OEM are supported through the proper channel; however, assets that are past OS updates (or permanently entitled to updates) may be entirely supported by WhaleyComm.
  • WhaleyComm welcomes RFPs and RFIs for third-party maintenance of network hardware.
  • If you'd like to ensure 100% entitlement compliance and maximize savings through a self-sparing model, check out WhaleyComm Cisco Lifecycle & Asset Assurance service. This unique service is not provided by any other Third-Party Maintenance company.

Cisco Lifecycle and Asset Assurance

Reduce Cisco SMARTnet Costs with No Risk to Cisco Smart Licensing Entitlements

With the introduction of Cisco Smart Licensing, Cisco permanently changed its clients’ ability to reduce Cisco SMARTnet costs. Simply explained, Smart Licensing created a technical barrier for anybody but the original purchaser to use the hardware. This “innovation” created a roadblock to proactive cost containment by using independent hardware maintainers (third party maintenance providers) and hardware resellers. Only very old Cisco hardware wasn’t impacted by Cisco Smart Licensing.

As Cisco SMARTnet clients complained, WhaleyComm went into solutions-mode and partnered with a company to provide a Cisco Lifecycle & Asset Assurance program. What is it? This service allows Cisco hardware users to continue – and even expand product classes able to be maintained – using lower-cost independent maintenance with zero risk to entitlement compliance. Ongoing Cisco SMARTnet cost reductions can be broader and more proactive.

Support savings can be easily discovered prior to milestone dates (EoS/LDoS, EoSW, EoL) to proactively further SMARTnet cost reductions. In addition to reducing Cisco SMARTnet costs, entitlement compliance and proactive cost containment, this service also creates a greater level of simplicity and transparency for hardware asset management. It’s genius!

Here are a few examples of Cisco Smart Licensed hardware that other third party maintenance companies can’t maintain (with 100% entitlement compliance), but can be maintained by WhaleyComm with 100% compliance assurance:

  • Catalyst 9300s, 9400s, 9500s
  • Nexus 9k Family
  • 3850s and ISR Routers beyond IOS 16
  • Also, current products with freely available OS updates

WhaleyComm Secure IT Asset Disposition Services in USA, Canada, and Mexico include:

  • Cisco Network switches, routers, access points, security products
  • Juniper Network (EoL, EoS) switches and network access points
  • Riverbed Network (EoL, EoS) - almost all models
  • Extreme Networks (EoL, EoS) switches and network access points
  • F5 Networks (EoL, EoS) - almost all models
  • Brocade Network (EoL, EoS) switches and network access points

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